這兩天同事他買了一套房子,聽說是日本 高級大廈呢,真是讓我沒有想到,他竟然會去買那麼好的房子呢,後來在和他一起吃飯的時候,他告訴我說那是他已經看了好久的了,剛好這次是那個日本 高級大廈的房子降價了,這可是難得的機會呢,他就想著趕緊把那個房子買下來,以后要漲成什麽樣的價格那可是不知道的,可是總之是不會降的,這也算是他的一個投資吧,將來他的孩子要是去日本發展的話也是一個資本呢,我說沒有想到他會想的那麼長遠呢
where to stay in Taipei
Going to the Taipei tourism, I now have a bit unable to hold oneself back, really want to hurry up to play there. Don’t go over there to play it or to set a good hotel in advance, I on the other side is not very familiar with, so the hotel booking or if careful caixing. Look for the hotel to a friend recommended me to where to stay in Taipei on the web, it would be easier to. So I went to the where to stay in Taipei above look, really have a lot of very good hotel, do I don’t know which to choose a good. Where to stay in Taipei on top of the hotel is relatively high, but the price is acceptable, not easy to come out to play, is to choose a good bit of. I was in the where to stay in Taipei chose a five Stars Hotel.
租借 Pocket wifi
聽說我的同事有租借 Pocket wifi,我就想要拿來用一下,不過好像這個只能他一個人可以用,不能兩個人同時用吧,我也不想給別人添麻煩,所以就打算自己去租借 Pocket wifi,地方也不遠,基本上就在公司附近,我之前也有去過那邊的。下班之後就去租借 Pocket wifi了,果然很不錯,而且費用也不貴,出去出差或者是旅遊的話,有租借 Pocket wifi確實是非常不錯的,完全不用擔心互聯的事情,而且也不會花太多的錢。
流動 Pocket wifi
之前租的流動 Pocket wifi還沒有還回去呢,因為出差回來之後還要整理資料什麽的完全沒有機會到外面去。結果下午的時候妹妹就過來問我借流動 Pocket wifi了,原來他也要到國外去,知道我有流動 Pocket wifi就想要用一下,這個當然也可以,不過我告訴他到時候他去還,租借流動 Pocket wifi也是要花錢的,不過資費也不貴,我這個做姐姐的肯定不會占他的便宜,只不過真的沒有時間出去做別的事情。妹妹也很痛快就答應了,原來他之前都不知道流動 Pocket wifi的,看到我用才知道的。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
Listen to the students said Taiwan Taipei Japanese restaurant fertilizer the front eel good taste, I like to eat eel rice, classmate rode a car to take me to the popular Wangpu fertilizer front, riding a bicycle came half an hour to eat. The door of perennial row brigade waiting to eat eel rice, indeed, to the other side has been in line, but can advance order, plus the serving speed is faster, so after a few minutes can be seated. Our point is large eels, plus Sauteed Seasonal Vegetable and Roasted Eel bile. Eat half found that 2 people eat a big one is not fun, then added 1 small eel rice. Like to eat Japanese food friends can be Taipei Japanese restaurant fertilizer in the front room.
Taipei four star
This vacation leisure time is relatively long, so intend and husband go to Taipei for a few days, we in the online setting of Taipei four star, when online at discount, we set the Parkview Hotel Hualien Taipei four star, the room is big and comfortable, floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Hualian coast and the hotel flowers, there are indoor and outdoor swimming, breakfast the rich can enjoy the large grass, the scenery outside the window is also very good, to see the whole city landscape and seascape, the spare parts is THANN feel great. Fabulous pool landscape oriented and can see the sea, mountains, is really a big meal for vacation, leisure facilities within the hotel a lot, even if one day stay in the hotel won’t feel bored. The service center of the service is very good, very warm, the next will go.