下個月要去臺北出差,公司的同事讓我帶回台北 太陽餅,我一聽太陽餅這個名字就忍不住的流口水。那真叫一個好吃。上次同事去了之後帶回來大家都搶完了,吃起來口感特別棒,其實這次我出差的另一個目的也是奔這個去的,順便給親朋好友帶一些,雖然他們沒到過那邊,我也是第一次去,但是憑著台北 太陽餅我鼓足了勇氣向我們部門的經理申請去那邊出差,領略一下那裏的民俗民情,把更多的美食向朋友們介紹一下,去臺北一趟也就很值了。
hualien attractions
Ltd Xiaoqiang go on a business trip, returned a few days later, at dinner time we work, he will be performing official duties in the what one sees and hears all tell us, on the very detailed, you guys are very serious, when it comes to lodging place, his face expression of joy and let us more input to listen to, go to there stay, Hualien attractions is really unspeakable joy, and we can’t wait for him to say something to think about, directly asked, Hualien attractions features, he finally said there service facilities are quite good, night sleep especially easy.
租借 Pocket wifi
我昨天也給自己買了一個 Pocket wifi,可是是我看了要是能到貨的話得好幾天的,可是明天我雙得出差一趟了,這次出差的地方是比較偏遠的,可能都沒有網的,要是能有個 Pocket wifi哪應該多好啊,我還正在發愁呢,就聽到朋友給我說是現在也有租借 Pocket wifi的,就在我們公司附近也是有的。于是我們下班后就一起去給我租借 Pocket wifi拿了回來。剛剛我還試用了一下呢,感覺還不錯,這次出差就先租借 Pocket wifi用著好了,下次要是出差的話我自己的也就可以用了。
東京 住宿推薦
朋友告訴我說是她要去她們總公司學習一個多月才回來讓我去住到她家里,聽了朋友講的事情我就問朋友她們總公司是在哪里,要去哪里學習?朋友聽了我講的事情就說她們總公司在日本說是她這次要去日本聽了朋友講的事情我就問朋友把酒店安排好了沒有,朋友就說她現在正在安排酒店,聽了朋友講的事情我就把東京 住宿推薦給了朋友,我就告訴朋友我上次去日本旅遊我一個同事就把東京 住宿推薦給了我,這個酒店挺不錯的,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她去了解一下。
hualien accommodation
Remember my mother told me that she wanted to go to Taiwan tourism things, things of this company to Taiwan tourism, but also can bring a family member to take a trip I want to take my mother to go with me to Taiwan tourism, I go home to my mother about our company organization travel to Taiwan things at night, listening to my mother about things said that our company to arrange hotel, I’ll tell mother company of course arrange hotel is arranged in Hualien accommodation, she heard that is arranged in Hualien accommodation says she wants to go with me and I’ll tell mother this time I with her. Go to Taiwan tourism. My mom heard me say agreed.
tokyo real estate
After several people around me introduce tokyo after real estate, and I now have to tokyo real estate have a preliminary understanding of the industry, and after graduation because I do not know what to do, you are always alone at home a long time for the people around me feel anxious, so give me about work, because our family in tokyo, it is surrounded by a lot of people are doing tokyo real estate business, there are those who are working for others it , and I just want to join the industry, so yesterday with his elaborate went to a good resume tokyo real estate company for an interview, but I believe they will give me a call today notified the interview results.