
難怪同事小月的皮膚那麽的好,今天 我才知道原來小月一直都在喝膠原蛋白粉,小月說是自己很早的時候就每天早上起來喝一杯牛奶的時候加一包膠原蛋白粉,然後才去上班的,這幾年下來感覺還不錯,聽同事那麽一說我就特別激動的讓小月把膠原蛋白粉推薦給我,因爲我特別的羨慕小月的皮膚那麽的好,我自己皮膚平時就特別的幹,而且還有些粗糙,所以看到小月這麽水靈我就特別羨慕。現在他把膠原蛋白粉推薦給我,我還是很想去試試的。再說了小月介紹的這個膠原蛋白粉加入牛奶的味道是不會變的,更本就沒有任何添加劑。

hualien accommodation

This holiday, and we discuss together with friends to Hualian to play, but when we came to Hualian attractions play starting is too late, we haven’t how to play it, the dark days, so we can only in the Hualien accommodation, but when we didn’t want to to be in Hualien accommodation so, when we come not to book hotel, because I know that if booking hotel, is also to be set in advance, otherwise this time is belong to the peak tourist season, the hotel must not good order, to advance reservation. But now it was dark, we here is not very familiar with, only in the Hualien accommodation, then tomorrow we play a while back, also can.

real estate investment

Heard cousin this time to prepare engaged yet, just a few months should have held the wedding, listen to my sister said cousin this marriage is also very not easy, because the woman’s parents are always disagree, cousin before have not been to the other side of the house, after the real estate investment is done in the other cousin, parents only slowly with some ease, cousin is a very capable person, has previously been to other companies work inside it, in the last year, he started his own real estate investment, the development of this year is pretty good, this year also ready to open a branch of it, some time ago my cousin went to lay a girl’s house, and the other parents see the side, said about their present development situation

日本 酒店

原本沒有打算要去日本的,就在放假的前一天晚上,一個好朋友給我打電話說讓我陪他一起去日本玩吧,說在住宿什麽的都已經安排好了,住宿是在日本 酒店,現在就差一個陪他去的人了,問我放假有沒有什麽安排呀,我說沒有安排準備好好休息呢,他說那行就讓我別在家待著了,第二天我們倆就出發去日本了,剛下飛機我們倆就坐車去了日本 酒店,先在日本 酒店里面休息了一下之后,我們才想著要去哪里玩呢,剛進房間我都有點不想出去玩了,感覺太舒服了


這段時間我一直考慮著貸款的事情,現在我們店里的生意也是越來越好了,老婆真是有眼光啊,開的這個服裝店現在一天比一天生意好,前不久的時候我們還商量了一下再開一個分店呢,到時 我們就可以多招幾個人來幫我們。可是上次開店的時候也是貸款的,不過現在已經還的差不多了,所以我還是有信心的。所以明天我就想去再看看,要是可以的話我還想多貸一些到時那分店也開的大一點。 而且周轉資金方便也能寬裕一些了。




聽說膠原蛋白粉是對身體很好的東西,我一直都沒有嘗試過。因為父母是比較傳統的人,一直都覺得天然的瓜果蔬菜糧食是對身體最好的,人工合成的東西都是對身體不好的,而且沒有效果。我也受了他們的影響,一開始就比較抵觸這些產品。不過現在人的生活 壓力真的是太大了,生活節奏也快,有時候真的是顧不上自己的健康。周圍人都在用膠原蛋白粉,我也開始試著吃餓了一下,感覺還是有效果的,身體有了一些改善,我準備再堅持一段時間。


又要參加一年一度的英文檢定考試了,我現在也 都不知道緊張了,因為已經習慣了,因為我已經連著好幾年參加英文檢定考試了,可就是因為自己平時不努力,所以到現在還沒有通過英文檢定考試呢,不過今年我可是下了很大的功夫的,所以我這次去考試的時候,顯得非常的淡定,因為我相信自己的能力,也知道我一定可以通過這次的英文檢定考試的。結果等成績下來之後,,我確實也通過了英文檢定考試,我很高興,因為這樣的話我就有機會去國外出差了啊!

丸駒温泉旅館 訂房

之前老是在我同事面前說是要是能在丸駒温泉旅館泡溫泉的話,那將是一件多麼榮幸的事情啊!沒想到被我們公司的經理聽見了,當時就說是要是我們這個月能夠按時完成公司交給我們的任務的話,這個月底我們就去丸駒温泉旅館 訂房,而且還可以在丸駒温泉旅館住一晚上呢,所以就可以盡情的泡溫泉了,也不用擔心晚了會沒有車回家了,我聽完他說的話之後就很激動,想著我肯定會好好干的,不然的話我的丸駒温泉旅館 訂房的這個機會也就泡湯了,所以我工作特別的努力。

laser printer

Every year at the end of the year the company will be very busy, the two day laser printer is also a problem, it is the busier of chaos. Print something now need to go to another department, is really very not easy, need to change a laser printer for. Quality of the company now the laser printer is not very good, should a change, but in order to save the cost has not changed, but affect the work of words is the biggest loss. The boss is going to immediately change a laser printer, this time decided to buy a good, should be able to use time is long, can’t because laser printer delay work.