osaka hotel

This year to travel to Osaka, Osaka Hotel is really have nothing to say, we are happy to play live very happy, really thank the travel agency arranged for us to have such a good Osaka hotel. Before going on to if all are Japanese words will not eat not used, results of Osaka Hotel was also Chinese dishes, really let me not think, estimating other passengers and I are also an idea. Now many people like to travel to Japan, I was like, compared with Europe and the United States where Japan, but feel better, because some of the place names are Chinese characters, so a person to play outside, also won’t have not know where things happen.

京都 住宿

每次去京都 住宿我就會選擇一些有意思的地方,上一次去的那個地方就很不錯,東西特別好吃,而且也比較清淨,完全沒有城市那種吵鬧的感覺。我覺得去旅遊度假,到那樣的地方去最適合不過了。這次我的京都 住宿也是選擇了這樣的地方,旅館是我在網站上找到了,因為我想這次是我一個人去,住在酒店反而會覺得太空曠吧。去溫泉旅館住也很不錯啊。而且也比酒店的價格要便宜一些,這些錢省下來就可以多買些禮物回去了。

台北 太陽餅

喜歡吃台北 太陽餅的同事,可以先到我這裡來報名了,因為我小姑子從台灣出差回來了,而且還給我帶了好多台北 太陽餅呢,所以我今天就給大家全部帶到公司里來了。當大家聽到我在辦公室里吼得時候,就趕緊過來搶著吃了,不過這也不能夠怪大家,因為台北 太陽餅真的很好吃,不是我一個人喜歡吃,我們家好多人都喜歡吃,而且每次只要身邊的人去台灣的話,回來的時候都要給我們買點台北 太陽餅呢,我也是很享受這其中的美味呢。



Ximending luxury hotel

Students send the message Ximending luxury hotel asked me what ah, I say Ximending luxury hotel very good ah, the inside of the environment is very good, very good service, our company has time to the customer, hotel is the Ximending luxury hotel, the students said that is good, just he booked in network Ximending luxury hotel’s room, he is starting to come here tomorrow, ask me these two days have no time, then go out to play, I said just to the weekend, I have nothing, I’ll go out together, he said, he called me over the weekend, and I said I’d give him a call, he on the side and not very familiar with, this weekend I first went to pick him.

Taipei Japanese restaurant

Usually I like to eat Japanese food, but here we are not very authentic, the last time I went to the Taipei Japanese restaurant had a feeling really good, or a friend invited me to go. Have never eaten so authentic, perhaps because Taipei from Japan closer. Taipei here is very good, the scenery is very beautiful, there are many Food. Really wanted to go to Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat a meal, after should still have the opportunity. Speaking of Japanese cuisine is also very important, but also need to make a lot of attention in the process. So Taipei Japanese restaurant will have a so good taste. The next time I go to must be a good meal, and it was my turn to invite friends.



Ximending boutique hotel

Not for a long time to go traveling, so busy this period would have time to go. Friends said that Taiwan is a very beautiful place, I always wanted to go to Taiwan to play a. I heard that there are a lot of Food and fun place to ximending, this time I was ready to go to the west gate district. Friends recommended to me a very good hotel, is Ximending Boutique Hotel, I checked the Internet, Ximending boutique hotel is very distinctive, although not very luxurious, but the environment is very good, service is also very good. Go to the Ximending boutique hotel must feel very warm. Seeing right now has the time, must first set a good hotel in advance to do, otherwise might have not set up.

函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房

看著函館灣拉維斯塔飯店在搞活動,我是在瀏覽網頁的時候,看到的,所以就想著要不要我現在就預訂函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房,因為過幾天就是我跟老公結婚五週年紀念日了,而且我們倆跟函館灣拉維斯塔飯店還是有一定的淵源的,因為我們就是在函館灣拉維斯塔飯店定情的,所以現在每年我們倆都要到函館灣拉維斯塔飯店住一天呢。於是我就趕緊在函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房了,到時候我們就可以跟往年一樣過一個快樂滿意的二人世界了。

台湾 凤梨酥

我的朋友说从来没有到台湾玩过,我就带他来玩了,他特别喜欢台湾 凤梨酥,好像内地也没有卖的,怪不得这么喜欢,我让他回家的时候多买一些带回去。台湾 凤梨酥当然是本地的最好吃了,就算外地有卖肯定也不正宗,我以前到外地去就见过那边卖的台湾 凤梨酥,真的不是一句难吃可以说的,都不知道会有谁去买这么难吃的东西。一遇到这样的情况,我就越想让更多的人到台湾来玩,到时候一定要尝一尝最正宗的台湾 凤梨酥。