real estate investment

After brother night back to us, said he did not want to work, to be ready to quit, dad asked him what ah, how just looking for work and resigned, he said that a friend gave him advice to do real estate investment, the father asked his friend brother not reliable, the brother said that his friends already in the real estate investment there for years, and now he has bought a house, he has to buy a car this time, others very good treatment, and people like him if you go to the real estate investment to do it for one or two years, and his friend is almost when the two of them together, to start a company, they both had a good discussion.

シンガポール 就職

這段時間我一直在為了找工作的事情在煩惱著呢,以前上學的時候本來還想著以后工作了是有多麼的美好什麽的,可是沒想到的是等找個工作可真是不容易。不過我昨天在網上看到了一個シンガポール 就職可真是不錯,我真的是有點想去シンガポール 就職,不但發展的機會多,而且工作待遇各個方面都還不錯呢,而且一直以來我都特別的想去外面的世界看看的,所以我就想和家人們都商量一下,我也要去シンガポール 就職,我想他們也一定會同意我的這個想法的。





日本 買樓

表姐說過段時間她就要去日本了,我說這麼快就要去了呀,不是說是年底才過去的呀,表姐說因為她們在日本 買樓了,這段時間要開始裝修了,要是她不過去的話,她們的日本 買樓的裝修效果就是她想要的那種風格了,我說原來是這樣呀,那就趕緊去吧,到時間裝修完了之後事再回來一段時間,表姐說等裝修好了之后,讓過去那邊玩一段時間,因為我之前一說想去日本玩呢,這下表姐說是她讓我實現這個願望,我說那太好了,下次放假的時候我就去。

invest japan

These days do not know what the original, dad said uncle want to do invest Japan, but he some not trust uncle uncle, said this man do what things do not think too much, as long as you want to do, I said that’s not easy, but now do investment risks are many, to think ahead about it, he can not stand that kind of pressure in the heart, dad said while uncle came to my home, let me talk about with him, uncle came after I told uncle, uncle said he now do invest Japan can not think so much, because a lot of things are made by professional investment company to give them to do, so do not worry.





kyoto hotel

Today just to Kyoto, when the hotel to go before lived, did not think there was no vacancy, I thought to myself how fast, before I always at this time, are the room ah, then the service personnel told this few days they hotel in the examination, so prepare room rarely, I said this is the original ah, I hurried to find the hotel, I turned on the mobile phone in the net to look near the hotel, I found only Kyoto Hotel from the Kyoto Hotel recently, and the inside of the environment is also very good, I think in the Kyoto Hotel Accommodation now, the first on-line booking it, didn’t expect just have a vacant room.


难怪这几天闺蜜一直再看一些关于台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订的网页,原来是又要去旅游啊,我这个闺蜜可是一个特别喜欢旅行的人,她没事的时候就经常 的喜欢到处去旅行,,没事的时候就去旅行什么去玩,而且现在去之前都会提前订好酒店什么,这次还不是一样,又是在网上看了那个台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订,然后订的。其实我也挺羡慕她的,可是我的工作和她不一样,我平时还是挺忙的呢,可没有她这么的悠闲,不过这段时间的天气还不错,要是去旅行的话,一定非常的美.