日本 酒店

老師給我們都說過了,說是這次的實習也就是在這個日本 酒店里面呢,我當時就聽了是特別的開心的,因為這個日本 酒店本來就是很不錯的,而且能在這個日本 酒店實習的話,就是以后出去找工作也感覺會很好找呢,這個日本 酒店可是我們這里很棒的地方的,這次沒有想到我在這個日本 酒店實習也還是感覺很好的,現在就是越來越喜歡這個日本 酒店了,而且也感覺這個日本 酒店就真的是和別的一些酒店都是不一樣的,我相信我一定會成功的在這里留下來的。

WDA design courses

This time, I have found that my colleagues are very busy, but as long as they are to the end of the day, he hurried away, I really do not know what they are so busy, I was curious to ask about them, a colleague told I said yes, they have been in the WDA design courses WDA design courses, they think the knowledge learning is good, and our work is there, so they think learning this, then heard he said WDA design courses, I don’t know what to say, I think he really is too passive, I would have thought of how to learn WDA design courses knowledge, but know that now is not too late, I’m going to like them, to learn WDA design courses Knowledge.







和服體驗 東京

在我看來我們真的可以去試試和服體驗 東京這樣的事情去做做,因為我們都覺得好像有的時候我們是可以挑戰一下我們可以做的事情,但是到最後會做到什麼程度,就要看我們自己的選擇了,其實我看到的那些做和服體驗 東京的人都還不錯,我真的很羨慕他們那樣的狀態,但是我自己卻不會做那麼好,所以說我才會羨慕他們,有的時候我們就是會羨慕我們自己不具備的東西,所以說我現在會覺得,是不是有的時候我們要好好反省一下自己呢,這樣的話才會有更加不錯的收穫。



Trend Micro

In fact, I have been thinking of is to go to the Trend Micro inside the company to go to work, because I heard that the Trend Micro is very good, but their company inside the treatment is also good, so I think if they recruit people, I will go to the interview. My own learning is about Trend Micro Trend Micro professional, the professional is really love, because I think there’s learning is really very interesting, and I just love this knowledge, so I would choose to study Trend Micro professional, I think the professional good of their choice, I have to accumulate more experience now, so I can go to this good Trend Micro inside the company to go to work.

Interior Designer

If the home decoration you don’t get a good Interior Designer, so you must state the future of the house is not good, at least I think so now, but they all said you want is a bit more of it, because my family in the decoration when they choose the Interior Designer is not how, but I will still insist to do I want to do, my father said to me, now you must insist on your own things to do, in the end what will happen, you go to do it, I am now doing things that have my own plan and to the people, so that I must follow my plan to do it now.

