We were so tired when we arrived at Taiwan Taipei Hotel yesterday morning that we took a few hours’rest before we got up at noon and had lunch downstairs at Taiwan Taipei Hotel. Then we started playing according to our plan. In fact, our tour plan here is not very well planned because of the recent work is more tired, so I want to come out to see the scenery to relax the mood does not have to be like a rush to do so tired. This time we booked a room directly in Taiwan Taipei Hotel for a week because we didn’t want to say that it would be convenient to take a taxi or drive around Taiwan Taipei Hotel for most of the places we wanted to visit farther away.
九龍 ラーメン
上次和我朋友逛街的時候無意中發現了這家九龍 ラーメン店,當時我朋友就說自己也好長時間沒有吃到過這種美食了,難得逛街的時候看到了這麼一家店,因此我們兩個就直接選擇了這個九龍 ラーメン,不得不說這個九龍 ラーメン店可是要比我們自己預想的還要好吃,店裡面的工作人員服務態度也是特別的熱情,環境也是我見過這種美食店裡面最好的了,瞬間就明白了當時我們一進來之後就發現這里人這麼多的原因了,看來大家對這家店的美食還真心的是挺喜歡的。